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    Thursday, January 15, 2009

    Winter Fact:Cold and Sick

    It's common knowledge to most people that going outside without a coat or hat = getting sick. But is this really true? It seems true due to the fact that sickness increases by a significant percentage more in the winter than in any other given season. But, does the temperature actually affect your body's tolerance to disease. The answer is surprisingly no. Yes, more people do get sick in the winter, but in actuality it's due to the fact that people avoid going outside more in the winter. Because people stay inside more in the winter, airborn viruses such as the rhynovirus (the common cold) and the flu, spread between people much easier. When you're inside, around more people, stress levels increase, lowering your body's ability to fight disease. Chemicals your body is exposed to indoors also weaken your immune system. The only affect the actual winter itself will have on you is that due to a lower exposure to sunlight in the winter, your body cannot make vitamin D as effectively, as it uses sun rays to make it. People also eat less healthy in the winter because of less availabilty of fresh fruits and vegetables. So do your family a favor and go play out in the snow if you have any. Enjoy the rest of your winter/cold season.